RNU in Action

Organizational Review

March 14, 2023

In Spring 2022, RNU began an Organizational Review. This review stemmed from our Strategic Plan, which set a goal to strengthen internal capacity to serve the membership. This is our first organizational review in 20 years.

RNU hired Cullwick & Associates to conduct a detailed review of how the union works today. This included examining our staffing complement, governance, management structure, people-management process, and comparing it to best practices.

In addition to strengthening RNU’s capacity to serve its members, the Organizational Review is intended to support the creation of an environment and culture that supports the wellbeing of volunteers and staff.

Our work has changed, and we want a proactive approach to drive our strategic direction and make sure that our staff and our union structure is set up for success. The Organization Review revealed today’s challenges and future opportunities. Cullwick & Associates made a series of recommendations along with some priorities for change.

Recommendations include strengthening our focus on people. This means we need a Human Resources strategy and management, and performance management process across the organization to help us identify training, development, and career opportunities for staff.

We also need to help our organization manage change. This is both about how we manage change within RNU and prepare for changes happening provincially and federally to the health care system. We want to make sure RNU is being proactive and has a voice provincially and federally. We want to be prepared to represent our members through the many changes, transformations, and crisis occurring in health care.

RNU will focus on Volunteer Management in Phase 2. Volunteers will be involved in helping us identify opportunities to look at how we can support volunteers more effectively.

Next steps include developing a detailed plan to implement the recommendations. Now that we have approved and prioritized the recommendations, we will start with the leadership roles and responsibilities and have formed a People and Culture committee as a standing committee of the board. We plan to measure and report progress through updates to help our staff and members understand what’s been completed.